Podcast News + Sadhu Gold on 'Smiley Face'
The Philly-based producer stops by the show to discuss Gregg Araki's mind-warping 2007 art house stoner comedy.

Two quick things today!
1) The CABBAGES hip-hop podcast is going LIVE on Twitch this weekend. Tune in this Saturday, October 2nd at 9PM EST / 6PM PST as co-hosts Gary and Jeff talk about hip-hop and a bad movie from 1988. Come look at our haggard faces and marvel at our technological illiteracy!
Follow the @cabbageshiphop channel on Twitch now so you don't miss the livestream. Paying Cabbages subscribers will also get exclusive access to the audio as a private podcast. (More details on that coming soon.)

2) There's a brand-new episode of the CABBAGES hip-hop podcast:
For this episode, veteran rap critic Gary Suarez and music industry insider Jeffery Laughlin chat with Philadelphia-based hip-hop producer SadhuGold (Westside Gunn, Wiki) and cannabis journalist Lorena Cupcake (Ask A Budtender) about Smiley Face (2007, directed by Gregg Araki).
Listen to the latest episode of the CABBAGES podcast via Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, Pandora, TuneIn, Pocket Casts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Please subscribe, rate us five stars, comment with effusive praise, and tell your friends.
Shout out to Steel Tipped Dove for supplying the theme music for the podcast.
Read Lorena Cupcake's Ask A Budtender at Weedmaps.
Listen to Sadhu Gold's music at Bandcamp and wherever music is streamed or sold.